Friday, April 15, 2011


When approaching the labelling of the jar it was a necessity to know the brand image wanting to be conveyed. The design of the label had to say:
-  Nutrition
-  Healthy
-  Wholesome
-  Reliable/ Trustworthy
-  Appealing
Delicate and gentle child’s touch
Also reflecting the target market. These aspects were reproduced through the choice of font, images, placement, layout and nutritional labelling. It also has been emphasises through the shape, colour of lids as mentioned above.

BRAND NAME:Naming the baby food minor MASH it reflects it being for a junior infant, baby and mash meaning the delicate structure of food to be eaten. Through the use of alliteration it was able to retrieve this clever and straight forward approach to recognise the substance of the food and its direct user. The play on words provides a child like feature to the food.The choice in font – minor – teenage angst and mash – aka Dylan provided a visual reference to what the words mean. Also the food combination was in the teenage angst font shown, gentle and delicate yet freshness the food is capable for children.


When considering the images placed on to the baby food jar it was decided that through consultations with people’s opinions, using the real fruit image targets provides a sense of security that there is no preservative in the food but is fresh, nutritious and wholesome for their children. It creates a sense of trust to present the types of quality foods that are blended within.

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