Friday, April 15, 2011

PROJECT 2: 26th Southern Cross Package Design Award Project

The aim of this project was to identify and design an appropriate solution for current packaging issues.  We were to :
  • " identify and define user needs in specific contexts and environments of use.
  • To develop your own design process and time management skills and to develop a working model approach to designing.
  • To practise and implement the presentation techniques learned in IDES2163 Industrial Design Communication C"
To do so we were given a chioce of 9 brief - A to I. From that we had to pick the one that most appealed to use to design for. Each havign their own unique requirements listed.

I chose BRIEF F - Baby Food in Glass which involved redesigning a glass jar containing 110g to 170g of baby food which is different to that on shelves, have shelf appeal but a possible to shape to be made by the 'Press adn Blow' technique. With the addition of a unique label graphic and name. Final product didn't need to be out of glass but a more accessible material.

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