Sunday, August 5, 2012

Review: 11th Hour

This video was one the most inspirational and had thought out views of the world in regards to the importance of the environment. As quoted we need a balance between human life and the environment. Our way of life and mass production of the industrial revolution is throwing this out of balance hence the effects of global warming. The video re articulates the phrase “save our environment” stating that it’s our life we need to save from eventually killing ourselves or suicide. We have created the unbalanced between nature. Action starts with us to fix the world and sustain the resources and life.

 You learn through the number of interviews presented that the way our world is as such of depleting resources and overdoing it, it is due to human nature having the quality of greed, the economy and superiority to that of nature rather than thinking we are a part of it. It’s importantly noted that the industrial revolution provided the thought of limitless resources thus accelerating usage. It highlights the destruction we as humans are creating pollution, deforestation, destroying ecosystems and landfills changing the environment. 

 The video points out the bridge between the people and government in failing to create a harmony between people and nature. The video is empowering, screaming out that people need to priorities, correct objects of desire and choice. We need to face reality and see the importance of losing the beauty of the world.

 The most motivated point is where they embrace design as such we need to consider cradle to cradle rather than to gravel so mass production to mass utilization. Looking at leading to sustainable design were new design is not visual, form is unlimited, it’s what’s inside – the performance, intelligent, structure will have the greater impact to the world and environment we live in.

The video ends with the idea that what we choose suggests our value of the environment. The level of awareness and then experience in consumer choice will make a difference. The inspiring ending focused on how to let us focus on local produce and nature. Your voice and action is the strongest power, embrace the love of the land and its existence to continue by being eco.

 3 key messages:
  1.   Humans are in control of the affect made to the environment. We are to blame for the effect of global warming ever since the industrial revolution. It is due to the over use of resources, the importance of oil and the economy rather than sustainability. It’s the action of the government and the people who are responsible to change the world before it’s too late.
  2. We need to find balance and harmony between human and environment that needs to be correct for the world and its life to be sustained. We are in control of our life with the idea of extinction being a possibility. FACE REALITY.
  3. The idea of design moving from mass production to mass utilisation were design is eco in the sense that the materials chosen to use have to be cradle to cradle rather to gravel after use.

Why industrial designers should watch this video is because it gives them an insight as to how the industrial revolution which we are a part of has affected the environment. We as designers can start to change and reduce the effects of the environment by for example, looking at the lifecycle of a product, the materials we use are sustainable thus cradle to cradle rather than to gravel. We take influence from this video as does the way architecture can be adapted to use nature’s resources without harming it back. We can look at not depending on oil as a part of transport design but adapting solar technology and wind turbine design.  Our design challenge is to adapt as fast and intelligently as possible such as utilizing the sun as the main energy source rather than coal/oil. We as designers have to take notice in design the eco environmental saving it possess so that when people choose products its more than function but choosing to save the environment.

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