Looking at the existing measuring spoons it was found that most were made of plastic making them very cheap looking and to bright for the modern home. There were also spoons made of only stainless steel making them very industrial looking, to common and commercial for a high class professional women. There was no real beauty in this kitchen utensil. There was no elegant or sophistication to match these women.
These measuring spoons are targeted at professional, high class women who live in much organised, big contemporary homes. These women want something simple, slimming, practical, compactable and contemporary to match the overall appearance of their home decor. Their homes may consist of objects made of stainless steel, plastic or ceramic with simplistic organic and plain shapes with sleek appearances. So through the form proposed being very elongated and streamlining has enable to uncapture the language of these people being simple and fluid. The shape provokes a classy and contemporary vibe that flows. The addition of the rubber black band offers a new contemporary and easy method to collate the spoons together rather the common chain and nesting method.
Problems like the handle not being long enough to hold to scoop in deeper packages or containers and sitting flat on the bench while not in use were also resolved. By applying a flat base to the spoon, it will not rock and topple the contents out and making the handle longer than existing one will allow reaching in deeper places. By doing so not only added to the form but was able to construct one that articulates this target market. This makes the measuring spoon functionally better by scooping easy, being decorative as well as practical.
It being this shape also complies with the standard function of being a measuring spoon as the proportional shape is able to hold the capacity of all four sizes – 1 tablespoon, ½ teaspoon, ¼ teaspoon and 1 teaspoon within a unified shape. The unified shape also articulates a contemporary simplistic idea that conformity brings out beauty in an object. These women also buy objects for their beauty which through this shape provides a sense of beauty that can add to the decor of the house. Also the way you put them together adds to the visual appeal. They can be collated together 3 ways and tied with the band.
The width, length and depth of the handles are able to ergonomically fit that of a women’s thumb comfortably. The long square handles add pleasure for the user as they are thin and wide enough to place the thumb and the finger on. The thinner end invites the user to hold it from this end. The slim feel has even movability which reflects easy usability.
These spoons are made of high gloss white ceramics as it suits the style of these women being simple and generic but adds value and class to a kitchen utensil. The choice of using ceramics for the measuring spoons was as they can be easily washed like plates, they retain their shape are lightweight and aren’t bulky shaped. Using the ceramics enhances a high quality standard these people want. It being high gloss provides that level of visual quality and beauty in appearance and sophistication that these women want in their homes.
The colour white conveys the idea of cleanliness which is what a kitchen tool should provide as these women are concerned about their health and the food they consume. The single colour use on these measuring spoons reflects the simple and delicate personalities of these women. They have easy going lifestyles which they don’t want complicated. So the measuring spoons being formed in such a way to fit within each other, stackable, enhances their want and need to be easy accessible and simple.
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